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Dell OpenManage Power Center (OMPC)


United States Patent No: 7.386,744

Patent 7386744 - 1.png

US Patent No.: 7.386,744 B2

Title: Rack Equipment Power Pricing Plan Control System and Method
Inventor(s): Barr, Bresniker, Espinoza-Ibarra
Application No.: US 10/801,247
Filing Date:  March 15, 2004
Issued: June 10, 2008
Exemplary Claim(s): Claim 1
Exemplary Product: Dell OpenManage Power Center (OMPC)

1. A power pricing plan rack equipment control method comprising:

establishing a power pricing plan for operating rack equipment; and

controlling operation of said rack equipment in accordance with said power pricing plan, wherein said power pricing plan enables said rack equipment to provide more power to a higher priority processing activity while providing less power to a lower priority processing activity.


1. A power pricing plan rack equipment control method comprising:

establishing a power pricing plan for operating rack equipment; and

Element 1

controlling operation of said rack equipment in accordance with said power pricing plan, wherein said power pricing plan enables said rack equipment to provide more power to a higher priority processing activity while providing less power to a lower priority processing activity.

Element 2

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in said power pricing plan enables said rack equipment to provide more power to a higher priority processing activity while providing less power to a lower priority processing activity.

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